Sorry I could not be at the awards ceremony. I created the show to express my affection and thanks to all of you for such a great year. I am way behind in my writing of thank you notes . . . I hope to catch up soon. Thank you for the party and the gifts and the cards and the letters and the email . . . Thank you for everything! I hope the slideshow illustrates that we all had a great year!!!!!!Pictures came out fuzzy on Youtube; i am trying to fix that.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Party at Adrian's

Adrian's already bored, and we are 12.4 hours into vacation. Help the poor boy out. Give him some ideas for things to do. They should be activities that do not involve fire arms and do not injure flora, fauna, or little brothers (okay, so maybe just not permanent damage to little brothers).


J.Law said...

Supplies = Legos, video camera, Soulja Boy video.

Make a Lego version of the Soulja Boy video. See trailer for a Lego version of Superman posted below.

Anonymous said...

I would get tons of candy and create the whole gang of Sponge Bob. I would use the sticky candy goo to put it together then I would put a domonation on it and then eat it. I like Mr. Lawrence idea but it would be a sculpture of Arthur doing the Soulja Boy with the actual Soulja Boy. Then I would destroy that also with the heel toe:-)

Anonymous said...

That's an awsome idea Mr.L

You could create a film with your buddies and pretend to act out a very bad verzion of DragonballZ

good luck AJ

Anonymous said...

Dude we could do what we planned already! We could get reed and go to your house(meaning Adrian's house) and we could make that zombie movie and anything else we wanted. w00t

Anonymous said...

thumbs way up to the zombie movie or anything with zombies in it.

I want to make a movie called "Karate Robot." It would be about a .... uh.... robot ... karate and saves the world. He also likes to dance.

MaddyY said...

Haha, get a few people together(or by yourself) and make a smoothie out of random food stuff in water like lunch time...but put it in the blender and video tape it :P

Anonymous said...

Adrian you should get four xbox 360's and have a giant halo 3 party and play live. Then partay all night long with all your pals.

Anonymous said...

Dude tell me when you finish the Zombie movie
that sounds awesome!!!

Dani V. said...

Make a clay-mation video! like a uuuh..... Llama and a taco or something..... CLAY-MATION!!! YAY!

Anonymous said...

Its the last day of vacation and in the last day or two I have started to have A LOT of fun... What's up with that?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Oh, and also, I'm deeply hurt because look at the # of comments on this... It has the least amount of comments!.... Don't count mine...

Ok... let me go cry in a corner...

Unknown said...

I say, you find pumpkin, fill it with candy, tie it to a tree and smack it really hard with the nearest hard object (not including your sister's head or a classmate). You could try shooting arrows at it... MAKE A BOTTLE-ROCKET PUMPKIN!!!! YEAH!!

Unknown said...

I care, Adrian...

Do you want a pumpkin?

Anonymous said...

Go Pumpkin!!!!!!!!!!!

You better have it for me by tomorrow or else I will send out my evil gang of Alex Lofftus and Barney on you!!!... And an evil pixie riding on a zombie unicorn with a RED leprechaun!!!! Oh... Greg can come to.

Anonymous said...

I would say to invite superman, batman, and flash (cause he's the coolest!) and have a cool party with everyone in our class, but everyone should only speak using fragments! Yeah! Then we would start a huge line of Mr. Muffin campaign posters and buttons. We would sell them instead of giving them away to make a profit and to get him elected. Then after everyone has gotten really bored we would have a staring contest with his cats! Coolest Party Ever!

Anonymous said...

SKY DIVING!!!!!!!(possibly onto a pack of hungry hungry hippos)ULTIMATE CAGE MATCH!!!!

Anonymous said...

AWESOME... You would have to also go into the evil hippos, Reed...
Oh, and did you get that "Hungry Hungry Hippos" thing from that little kid game?... If anyone is curious, look up "hungry hungry hippos" on youtube and there are a few commercials...

Anonymous said...

We could watch the coolest show ever all night!

Caitlin W said...

Next vacation you could beg your parents to take you to Six Flags.

Caitlin W said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Caitlin W said...

You can write a 150 page story on how awesome my english teacher, Mr. Lawrence is.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha... Lofftus JUST looked on this today... This is the first time in forever that I've looked.