Sorry I could not be at the awards ceremony. I created the show to express my affection and thanks to all of you for such a great year. I am way behind in my writing of thank you notes . . . I hope to catch up soon. Thank you for the party and the gifts and the cards and the letters and the email . . . Thank you for everything! I hope the slideshow illustrates that we all had a great year!!!!!!Pictures came out fuzzy on Youtube; i am trying to fix that.

Monday, March 3, 2008


The pen is mightier than the sword.


Anonymous said...

I agree that the pen is mightier than the sword because wherever there is a pen there is knowledge. Words can live on forever, while killing someone with a sword will only be a moment. Anne Frank's words are still with us today even though she was killed by Nazis. Her words influence people still.

Anonymous said...

I think that the statement is true. When something is written down, it expresses the writer and their opinions and views. It can be seen by many people for a long time afterwards and it can influence many people. The sword kills someone and then it is over. Unless the person is widely known, it usually only effects people close to the deceased. Also, the sword always effects someone negativly even if they person isn't liked while the pen effects many people positivly most times.

Anonymous said...

I also believe that this is true. Many people have been completely brought down by what has been written about them. Whenever anybody is written about in a bad way, they are talked about all over the world and criticized. A person can go from complete riches and popularity to poverty and ruin because of what people write about them. A sword can only take away their mortal body.

Anonymous said...

I believe that that statement is true. Sometimes, words can hurt people more than an actual wound. Also, if someone writes something bad about you, people just continue to repeat it to others until everyone knows and the story that was originally started is so tweaked that it has nothing to do with you anymore. When you die, as by a sword, people can't do that to you over and over.

Anonymous said...

I think that is true. The reason why is because the pen shows a symbol that words go on for a long time. Swords just represent death. Pen is something that continues and swords just ends in a short period of time.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the pen vs the sword statement can be very true. As others have said, writing can ruin someones life. Writing also shows brains over strength. Brains can defeat all. If it weren't for strategists and written plans, wars and battles would never be won. Writers are just as famous as warriors like hercules just think of Edgar Allen Poe.

MaddyY said...

I think this is True. Even though swords were in history, pens wrote the history down. And, just as Meghan said, words can hurt more then wounds. And also, without pens (and mostly ink), how would we have books to read, and how would we do our homework?

Anonymous said...

I think this statement is true. Writing is some times more powerful than any battle, or war. However, it can get you in trouble with the people who read it it they do not agree with your opinion.

D Phillips said...

I think that this is true. In the first way, pens, like Maddy said, were the ones writing the history books. The history we know could be completely false if the person behind the pen wrote it that way.

What lasts longer? Someone's sword, or the written legacy of the sword?

And in the second way, a pen can be equal with a sword in an assasination attempt. You can install secret compartments in pens containing knives, and then you can kill someone just like a sword can.

The pen can do two things, but the sword can only do one.

The pen is mightier.

Anonymous said...

This is true. A single piece of writing can ruin someone's life beyond belief, while a sword just slashes a person and maybe kills them. Also, death by sword has no finesse (unless you consider murder an art), unlike writing which can be put together to make something beautiful.

Anonymous said...

To move this in a different direction: What good can be done with a pen? How can a sword be used for good? Wasn't a pen Anne Frank's weapon of choice.

Anonymous said...

I think that this statement is true because sometimes when something is written down that is hurtful and untrue, it can make you feel worse than if you had just been stabbed with a sword.

Also, when fighting in a war, two groups can fight until everyone is dead, and there still will be no winner. But when a peace treaty is signed, it states a definite end and a clear truce. After both groups have signed, the war is officially over. Winning a war is rare without signing a peace treaty after.

Anonymous said...

You could hurt someone emotionally with a pen and it would be more painful then a sword. They would be suffering.

Anonymous said...

Also I think the statement is true.

Anonymous said...

Also I think the statement is true.

Anonymous said...

The pen can be used for good when someone preserves something such as a piece of History such as what Anne Frank did with her diary. The sword can be used for good when it is fighting for something such as freedom or to put a stop to something terrible. The americans used "the sword" for good to put an end to this terrible event that was happening in Germany and other parts of europe by the Nazis. In the Diary of Anne Frank, Anne used a pen as her sword, she does not use force to get her point across like the Nazis did she wrote what she felt and that today was the good that we see.

Anonymous said...

I believe the pen and sword both have their time to shine. Swords are often portrayed as heroic symbols sometimes used to inspire people. Also, with a pen have there been no stories of swords used for good?

Anonymous said...

I disagree with this staement because I like to live by the statement: sticks and stones can break your bones but words will never hurt me. Also when you get stabbed by the sword you get a lot of blood and pain. When you get stabbed by a pen you get..... "It's only a fleshwound"
Also when you write no emotional blood comes out of you. When you get skewered by a sword it's going to hurt

Anonymous said...

In resopoce to your new question Mr. Larwence, The pen wasn't very useful when the Green Police came into her house and took her away. Yahhh I'm going to try to fight the Nazis away with a red pen.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is true... The pen can be used to win in a non-violent way. The sword, however, is used for killing people so that the solution can be found. If we could solve stuff by writing, we obviously wouldn't be in war right now. (Not trying to be funny)... If you were to have a pen and you had to physically fight against a guy with a sword, the guy would most likely win. That is the only case where the pen is more powerful than the sword.

Dani V. said...

This statement is a hard one to decipher. Although I agree that both objects are of great meaning and being it's to say which is greater.

With a pen you can express your true feelings whether it be in writing or in art. You can explain things, write beautiful poems or spellbinding stories. But you can also write down horrific things, and draw the most feared symbols the world has seen. The pen is usually a symbol of knowledge or sometimes even a free mind.

With a sword you can kill, intimidate, and injure. But you can also help people. You can protect them with a sword(granted you know how to use one!). A sword can also stand as a symbol of bravery, protection, and loyalty even!

So I cannot say which is truly mightier, but both are extremely powerful in their own ways.

Anonymous said...

The pen is mighter than the sword because you may go onto a battlefield and kill a man but a history of killing that man will live longer than the killing. In a way Hitler was using a sword and Anne was using a pen. But also in that same way Hitler is remembered as much as Anne. So I think that in a normal time the pen is mightier than the sword but if you go to worldwar II than they are equal. Lots and lots of kills with a sword or one diary, so are they really equal? You decide.

Anonymous said...

In some cases that is true because when you get killed by a sword whos there to describe it in full detail? The pen can capture evry aspect of something were the sort can onlt capture your life.

Anonymous said...

Sorry that was really bad spelling so I will type it again.

In some cases that is true because when you get killed by a sword whos there to describe it in full detail? The pen can capture every aspect of something were a sword can only capture your life

Anonymous said...

To me i would have to say mostly no it is not true. Its kind of confusing but let me try to explain what i mean. (i am kind of gonna go back when people actually used swords) The pen can change a life by touching you in some way, but a sword can change your life by cutting off your limb OR saving your brother from a dragon (or enemy). The pen can write a peace treaty but the impaling another with a sword can end the war all the same. In general the pen can solve a problem in writing. But do you wanna hide behind your paper? Or actually get up and fight. I believe it is FIGHT for honor. Not WRITE for honor.

Anonymous said...

i think this statement could go either way because wrighting something done could be very hurtful and it could bring your spirts. If you stabbed with a sword you just die. I would rather be alive than dead, but with the bad letter it could take you all of your life to get over it. With that just stuck in your head you can not acomplish anything. That is why I think it could go either way.

Unknown said...

Well, it depends upon how you choose to use your words. If you choose them carefully, you can make quite an impact. If you just shmush letters, words, and punctuation together all willy-nilly, chances are that you won't make a very moving statement. Poets, for example, can be very skillful when it comes to getting a certain message across. Your average Kinder-kiddie or second-grader probably wouldn't be as successful in such a case.

As I commonly say, "violence never got anybody anywhere useful". Of course, if one is in dire need of escaping and is unable to 'persuade' their way out of things, I suppose a pointy piece of metal with a handle might be of some help. In this case, I wouldn't go running to consult the nearest poet... heh, or the nearest Kinder-kiddie or second-grader (I'd run the OTHER way if either of the last two had swords!) in this case. True, I pen might not exactly cause tremendous bloodshed (although I have been stabbed with a mechanical pencil once by accident, and it made me bleed a bit), a sword would definately leave quite a lasting impression on the assultee, and you have a better chance of escaping alive if the situation is life-threatening than you would with a pen.

Well, pardon the length of this, but I guess I really couldn't say for sure which is worse, but if I had to choose personally, I think I'd rather take Kieran up on his suggestion of being attacked with a red pen than end up as a Schramm-kebab any day.

Anonymous said...

I think this statement is true because if one person writes one important persuasive thing than it can end a war quicker than many swords

Also a more modern form of that phrase could be the computer is mightier than the sword because of how fast information travels on the internet or by other digital methods

Bruce H said...

I think the statement is both true and false. The Pen is someways can be mightier, because ,using the example of Anne Frank, Anne's diary lasted through the holocaust and can live forever. While the effects of a sword can only last for a life time.

Anonymous said...

Saying Anne Frank won and Hitler lost, is the same thing as saying the pen is mightier than the sword. Hitler sure killed millions but he is no longer living. In fact he committed suicide. As Rudy said, words live forever. Anne's diary has been sold all over the world, and over 32 million people have red her story. Thats three times as many people as Hitler killed (assuming the final death toll was 11 million). That sure tells who won. Anne won the battle with the mighty pen and Hitler and his sword (the power to kill) lost.

Anonymous said...

I would have to agree with Jen in that a pen can be mightier than a sword but only if used properly. Words can be beautiful but they can also hurt, I would say a sword and a pen are equal both in might and destruction.

Caitlin W said...

I agree with this statement. To me, the pen symbolizes education and influence. With writing, you can send out a message to the world. The sword represents brute force and fear. In forceful actions, you can't send out as strong of a message. The people you are trying to influence will believe in writing. People won't believe in the sword rather oblige out of fear.

Anonymous said...

Where there is a pen there's knowledge, and where there's knowledge there's power. Where there's a sword.... Well, there's just blood and guts. In terms of war etc. A pen and a sword have separate places. A sword is like dropping a rock on someone's head. BOOM! They're dead. A quick elimination can sometimes be useful. A pen, however, can be terrifying when used correctly. It's like a poison. It can be used to infiltrate a knowledge base and corrupt a whole civilization. It's a sneaky method to get beneath someone's skin and make them slowly melt away. In the sense of Anne Frank, I think that Hitler's "sword" was very effective in its place, but what really makes him look bad are Anne's and the other victims' recounts of the terrible event. These are the things that prevail more today. Really, I believe that The Pen is a great wonder that can be used for good and evil, while the sword is simply a sign of idiocy and blatant cold-blooded killing.

Anonymous said...

pen symbolize the knowledge, and sword symbolize the strength. Often the strength press over the knwledge, but usually the knowledge is powerful than the strength.

Anonymous said...

I think this statement is true, because when something is written down, it lasts for a very long time. Versus when you get stabbed with a sword and die right away, the pain last for only an instant. And a lot of times words that are written about you can be very painful.

AlexL. said...
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AlexL. said...

I agree and disagree with the pen is mightier than the sword. The pen can be read by many and can convince someone to think in a different way. The sword can easily take someone's whole life away.

KaitlynB said...

I think that this statement is true. I think this because words can be seen forever and killing somone(the sword) will only last in that one moment. Words can also hurt you alot more than a wound because yes a wound is very painful but it will eventually heal as you being hurt by what someone said might never heal.

Anonymous said...

I believe that this statement is true in many ways. Through words, a single induvidual can influence an entire race wearas it would take an entire army to conquer only a portion of the world. This, also, is not nececarely done out of thought and logic. Cirtanly thought is required to accomplish the task of forcefully dominating people, and adding to one's empire. There, however, is no or little reason behind the action. Words, on the contrary, must have logic and honesty in order to truly influence people.