Sorry I could not be at the awards ceremony. I created the show to express my affection and thanks to all of you for such a great year. I am way behind in my writing of thank you notes . . . I hope to catch up soon. Thank you for the party and the gifts and the cards and the letters and the email . . . Thank you for everything! I hope the slideshow illustrates that we all had a great year!!!!!!Pictures came out fuzzy on Youtube; i am trying to fix that.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Players & Part of the World /// Description of Conflict


Anonymous said...

India vs India /// Two religious groups fought in India because of different views. The people of different religions couldn't live together and one group later formed Pakistan.

Anonymous said...

Sunni vs. Shiite/// these two religious groups fought over power in Iraq, and discriminated against eachother, often harshly treating people of the other group

Anonymous said...

City vs Suburbs/// In my own words, I think that being in the suburbs is way better than being in the suburbs. Some people don't die a lot and in the city, they die a lot faster. There are too many gangs and people who always want it there own way. They rather focus on the popularity then the education.

Anonymous said...

Union v.s. Confederates/// The Union wanted to end slavery, were as the confederates supported it. Thus there was a large country wide war, causing many deaths. All these deaths could of been avoided if they talked the matter out.

AlexL. said...

Mithridatic Wars: The fight between Rome and Pontus. There where Three war The frist 88 to 84 BC the seocond 83 to 81 BC the last 75 to 63 BC. It was over turkey. One King of rome in the provence of Bithynia. The Mithridates should pull out and hand over thier troops but They Refused

Anonymous said...

North vs. South/// From 1861 to 1865 the north and the south halfs of the United States. The were mostly fighting about slavery. If the South had won then proably the US would have been split into two.

MaddyY said...

Al Queda (Osama bin Laden) Vs. U.S.A. /*/*/ Members of Al Queda hate the USA and destroyed the World Trade Centers on Sept. 11 '01. Now we are worried about terrorism, and we have a lot more security now.

Anonymous said...

Duke vs. UNC///this is one of the biggest rivalries in college basketball, becuase both of the schools are academically good, they're really close, and both of the teams have really good basketball teams.

Anonymous said...

big vs small states/// during the 18th century, many delegates were debating on representation. The small states wanted all states even the big states to only have one vote per state and not due to populatioin, while the big states said they wanted to base the # of represenatitives on their population, in which was unfair becuase they had more population. In result, the northern, small state delegate, roger sherman came up with a comprimise. He said house of representatives would be based on population but, the senate would involve a quantity of 2 per state. This way both sides ideas were combined.

Anonymous said...

World V.S the roman catholic church

King Henry the 8th wanted to divorce from his first wife but he couldn't because the catholic church would not let him divorce after he married (back in those days you married for life) so Henry created his own church ( The Church of England) So he could do what ever he wanted. He then became the cardinal at the Church and forced all people in England to convert to that church.

This started a chain reaction all over Europe with Martin Luther starting his own form of religion called Lutherism. Many people also started writing about the church in the 21st Century like The Da Vinci Code, the Golden Compass and the Lion the witch and the wardrobe.

There are also many anti-religious groups against the Roman Catholic church who are called the illuminati (their name derive from illumines meaning the enlightened ones) Many people belive that Copernicus and Newton were apart of this sociaty.

{It is important to note that the illuminati haven't been active group for over 200 years}

Anonymous said...

West Virginia Moutaineers vs. Okolahoma Sooners// These two college football teams have been rivals since the early 70s. Just this past year the Moutanieers beat them 48-28. I beleive next year the rivalry will be even worse.

Dani V. said...

Romans .vs The Egyptians

In 31 BC the fall of Egypt had been played out, along with the victory of the Romans. The death of Cleopatra VII (the last pharaoh). In my mind and many others Egypt was a glorious civilization. Although it had it's many cracks, it was a prosperous, productive civilization. Rome was a very rich part of the world, and Rome was a growing empire who just couldn't take their eyes off of Egypt.. Julius Caesar off course was one who wouldn't let an opportunity like this pass by... With Cleopatra's defeat at the battle of Actium, Caesar took his window of opportunity and seized another vast and valuable asset in the Mediterranean. The Romans burned the library at Alexandria destroying many valuable scriptures and books on Egyptian history, and they tried to get rid of the old and bring in the new. They also discarded many Egyptian customs. The Romans who feared rebellion placed multiple army posts around and in the Egyptian territory trying to keep peace...

In my mind the Romans invasion of Egypt was a black spot in history. It destroyed much and left us today with less insight then we could have had about the culture of the ancient world...

Anonymous said...

copericus Vs the church// when copericus published his ideas about a sun centeral soler system he was prosicutided for his work years later it was found that he was corect.

Anonymous said...

The Chinese vs. The Mongols

Once upon a time, in the far away land of Asia, there were the Chinese and the Mongols. The Mongols wanted to trade with the Chinese. The Chinese said "NO!". The Mongols (who had a great number of soldiers) kept attacking China. China's Imperial Army was nearly wiped out. Then, the Chinese received a letter (from Mongolia) requesting trade and China said "FINE!". The Chinese really said this so that they could buy themselves more time. During this time, China rebuilt its army and they built The Great Wall of China! TADA! I'm not sure what happened after that... I think there was more fighting and stuff. I think that makes sense.

I also just looked up that The Great Wall of China CANNOT be seen from the moon... Yeah...

Unknown said...

That's just... um... lovely, Adrian... I didn't know that about the Great Wall of China...

The things you learn on blogs... =^)

Unknown said...

Christians versus Pagans

Mostly, the clash started around 340 AD in the Roman Empire when the Christian Emperor, Constantius II, set the first "anti-Pagan" laws, including bans on public Pagan worship on the pains of death. The anti-Pagan laws were firmly established in 381 AD in the "Imperatoris Theodosiani Codex". Now, the only allowed religion was Christianity, and there was zero-tolerance for Paganism in the Roman Empire.
By the time 415 AD rolled around, Pagans were banned from positions in the Military and Civic fields, and Christians had a firm grip on the reins of power. From then (the 4th century) forth, the term "Pagan" became perjorative term to denote a non-Christian. Over time of course, the term "Pagan" evolved to mean what it does now in the dictionary.


Unknown said...

By the way, my post on Paganism versus Christianity was not meant to make anybody angry in any way. I just thought that it would be interesting since I can relate to the Paganism side somewhat closely and because nobody had done anything like it yet.

No hard feelings. =^)

Anonymous said...

There are the New York yankees vs. the boston Red Socks.

Anonymous said...

North Korea vs. South Korea. In the north, Kim Jong is taking the title of dictator, while still in the south the people of Korea are fighting against his reign.

KaitlynB said...

there are the Democrats vs. Republican.

The democrats generally dont support the war and republicans generally do. Democrats think we should withdraw our troops from Iraq and the republicans think that we should stay there and try to help.

Democrats are libral and republicans are conservative.

Democrats generally like a bigger government and republicans generally like a smaller government.

Anonymous said...

PETA VS. just about everybody------ PETA stands for "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals". They are a nonprofit organization based in the US with 1.8 million members. Their slogen is, "animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment."
They are an extreme animal's rights organization. Things they do are, pour red paint over fur wearers and on store's windows. They dont care if they break laws to protest. Some businesses they are against are, KFC, McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, and PETCO.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Crusaders vs. Muslims

Great Historical marks in turkey such as the Hagia Sophia have been fought over by Christians and Muslims alike. It went from being a mosque to cathedral, mosque to cathedral, until eventually the Turkish empire won and today it appears to be a mosque. It is open as a museum now. Before opening as a museum the plaster on the walls of the second floor balcony was carefully stripped away and there was the work of the crusaders: Intracate pictures of Mary and Jesus in tiny mosaic tiles. This immediatly became a museum because the muslim's were forbidden to have people on the walls of their mosque- they can only have designs that have no resemblance whatsoever of people or animals. The Hagia Sophia shows the great tension between the Turkish empire and the great Crusaders. The history behind the walls (literally) of that church is amazing! The Hagia Sophia is thought to at one time have the cross that Jesus was pinned to- then it was said that the muslims stole the church back, turned it back into a mosque and burned hte cross. Ownership of the church was changed over 7 times

Anonymous said...

Yea!!! I agree go RED SOX!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the Red Sox are better!

Anonymous said...

in irondequoit the monroe county library system is trying to decide what to do with the central library by destroying two older libraries.Some people agree but some think this is a terribly catastrophic world endig mistake.

Caitlin W said...

Civilization vs. Wild

The ongoing controversy in society. Even the Greeks wrote about it in the Iliad. The Cyclops represents the un-tamed side of society or as Sigmund Freud called it the id. Odysseus and his men were the intelligent educated people of civilization (the superego). This rivalry is also in The Lord of the Flies between the three main characters (Jack = Id) (Piggy = Superego) (Ralph = Ego).

Anonymous said...

Darfor:The people in darfor are being killed by the muslims.The people who are being killed are the people that have different religious believes. Its almost like world war 2 because they are killing people of different religions

Anonymous said...

North Korea & World
-the nuclear weapon
Can we / they have nuclear weapon or not?
North Korea made nuclear weapon to protect themselves, and the world decided to not make it.
This might bring war like Iraq.

Anonymous said...

North Korea & World
-the nuclear weapon
Can we / they have nuclear weapon or not?
North Korea made nuclear weapon to protect themselves, and the world decided to not make it.
This might bring war like Iraq.

Anonymous said...

Kansas vs. Kansas State

These two teams are one of the biggest college basketball rivalries. They haven't beaten each other in 25 years before last night, when Kansas City won 47-45

Anonymous said...

Greece and Turkey

Hated eachother
Turkey took over Greece in 1800s
Greece rebelled and then they have had a conflict over the island of Cyprus from then until now.

Anonymous said...

The New York Giants and the the New England Patriots are goin to have a big rivalrie in the superbowl and since Eli Manning went to the superbowl with his team his brother Peyton Manning could have a conflict with each other, but Peyton will still support Eli.

Anonymous said...

Harry vs Voldemort

Anonymous said...

Israel vs. Palestine Middle East

They both fight over land, because Palestine had it first, but Israel thinks it should have it due to what is said in the Bible.

Anonymous said...

Northern Ireland vs Ireland
They are at war fighting over religious beliefs and territories. ( I would do more research, but the school has set a block on it )

Anonymous said...

Irish VS English:

In the 12th century, the Irish king Dermot MacMurragh asked the English king, Henry I to send an army to help [Dermot] overcome a rival nobleman. Henry allowed his nephew, Richard DeClare, later known in history as Strongbow, to come to his aid. He brought modern weapons and mounted knights. This was the beginning of slaughter of the Irish and the displacement of them from their homes and lands. Their religion was outlawed,their farms broken up, their schooling forbidden, and the use of their own language, Irish, was made a hanging offence. This treatment went on for nearly 800 years. Ireland gained a certain amount of freedom from English rule in The Rising of 1916. 49 years later, Ireland achieved her freedom, but lost 6 northern counties to England in the deal. This led to a hate-relationship with Ireland and England

Anonymous said...

Coke vs. Pepsi
Hey, Mr. Lawrence? Remember the cola wars? It all started when Coke and Pepsi took thier hold as companies in the US. They each had various kinds of soda(mainly cola) and were always striving for a better formula. In the early 80's pepsi was winning the war when in 1985 Coca Cola decided to create a sweeter, newer cola, much like that of Pepsi, called New Coke. This didn't go over so well with consumers. It caused such an uproar that people would buy New Coke simply to spill it in a gutter. Eventually Coca Cola Classic retuned to stores across America, and people were happy again. To this day, Coke and Pepsi still battle it out with various new products as well as the old ones.

Anonymous said...

Mars vs. Hershey
They both want their candy to be #1 so they advertise pretty dirty and get into each others faces as I'm told.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that i am posting something on this date but i came up with this:

The Yankees vs. Every other Baseball Team:

Either people like the Yankees or they like anyone who can beat the Yankees.

I'm talking about the point in the Baseball season when there is no one left except for the Yankees and a few other teams...

It's so cool. My sister has a shirt that says: "I like two teams. The Orioles and whoever beats the Yankees"