Sorry I could not be at the awards ceremony. I created the show to express my affection and thanks to all of you for such a great year. I am way behind in my writing of thank you notes . . . I hope to catch up soon. Thank you for the party and the gifts and the cards and the letters and the email . . . Thank you for everything! I hope the slideshow illustrates that we all had a great year!!!!!!Pictures came out fuzzy on Youtube; i am trying to fix that.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Whizz-Bang - A Fun English-Related Word Game

This is one of my favorite e-mail games. It's called Whizz-Bang (as you can see), and this is how you play.
First you start off with a word; say, "bank", for example. On each turn, you can make ONE alteration. You can swap a letter (ex. make "sank"), drop a letter (ex. make "ban"), trade letter places/ move a letter (ex. make "pot" from "top", or "stank" from "tanks"), or add a letter (ex. make "blank").

In the case where there is absolutely NO valid word in the universe (i.e. not one you just made up, solely for the sake of being a doofus) left to use, start over with another good word. Please, just don't go and do that randomly when you can still make words. If you really want to keep it up, use a dictionary or Google or something (bad punctuation/grammar, I noticed). Oh, and of course, use your judgement in the words you use/make. Let's keep it appropriate, please.

Thanks, and have fun!


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Unknown said...

Here's a start word for you:


MaddyY said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

we need a longer word

Ipod Man Unleashed said...


Ipod Man Unleashed said...

I agree

ellip said...

monkey mabye?

Ipod Man Unleashed said...


Unknown said...


MaddyY said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


FishMan1202 said...

sine... I think it's a word

FishMan1202 said...

This is Adrian

Ipod Man Unleashed said...

Hi Aj

Ipod Man Unleashed said...

This is Kieran

Unknown said...

I figured as much, Kieran.Nice alias. =^) Sine is a word Adrian.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

"I put a DIME in the drugstore record machine..."


Anonymous said...


thats funny Jen

MaddyY said...


Unknown said...

Yay! I made a funny! Heh!


MaddyY said...


MaddyY said...


Unknown said...


@> #

Oops... That was supposed to be a cheerleader with a megaphone, but it just looks like a weird person throwing a waffle into the air...

Unknown said...

Aw! My wierd person got even more messed up! Rats!!


Unknown said...
