Sorry I could not be at the awards ceremony. I created the show to express my affection and thanks to all of you for such a great year. I am way behind in my writing of thank you notes . . . I hope to catch up soon. Thank you for the party and the gifts and the cards and the letters and the email . . . Thank you for everything! I hope the slideshow illustrates that we all had a great year!!!!!!Pictures came out fuzzy on Youtube; i am trying to fix that.
Super Awesome Backwards Time
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Clearly, tensions are running high in the Annex. They are fighting over food, et cetera. Imagine yourself hiding for months with people who are basically strangers, with very little space, major restrictions on noise, and no opportunity to go outside. What are some of the conflicts that you see as being inevitable?
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One conflict would be if there was two kids, and they were raised differently. For example, one parent yells at the other kid for doing something that that kid is normally allowed to do.
food would be a major problem as far as i can tell. I really like food... I would honestly probably have a problem with sharing food, because (I'm not sure about everyone else, but) personally, i don't like going hungry.
Although I agree with Brandon & Maddy. I think that space and heat would be a big problem for me. i don't like to be to close to so many people and I don't like when people just want to hover you. To me that's really annoying and i don't like the fact that some people enjoy going in people space. With the heat, i kind of do and don't mind like it can't be the heat from someones breath but from a furnace but the furnace cannot runn every minute.
Even what Brandon said, I don't like being hungry.
What if there was only one bathroom on the whole place where you were hiding. That would be so hard for me and another family to live together.(Assuming that the other faimly has boys and girls) It would be awkward getting up in the morning opening the door and aaaaaaah! You have to close the door that would be a major conflict. And what if two people had to go to the bathroom at the same time it wo0uld be hard to decide who go first quietly.
{no one likes to be hungry =)}
I would have trouble with people who have pet allergies if theres a dog in da house.I love dogs and it would keep up morale in a confined attic.
(the whole "you've been voted off the island" [because you dont like dogs] thing gets old)
I think that the idea of having to sit still with multiple people almost all day would be annoying... Now, most of you know that after a while of sitting in places quietly, I tend to get a little crazy. That would be really bad. I don't think that would be very fun.
One of my pet peeves is having to share a shower ( or any bathing ficility) with anyone, so that would probably be a huge problem for me.
Ya i agree with priya i think that sharing a bathroom would be a pain and that people would fight over it because of the little time you have to use it. I also think that the noise levles and the familys styles would be a conflict.
I would hate sharing a room. I don't know about everyone else, but to me Dussel seems unbearable. The whole food issue and bathroom issue is a big problem too. I like to eat and take a while getting ready in the morning. Although with nothing to do all day, I could technically get ready all day. My chocolate stores I brought in my backpack should help the food conflict. :)Yum
Food is a main source, so i would definitely have a hard time coping without a great amount or, at least the amount that i need daily.
I think that with me whining about going out side and playing around would be a problem. I'm an energetic and adventorous person, so it would be a great problem for me without freedom. I would probably make people go crazy sometimes, somewhat liek Anne Frank had done in her time. I think that if i had water with me, because it is the most abundant substance and the best thing for any one to survive on, i would be fine with more water and with the small servings of food. WE MEN NEED OUR MEAT THOUGH!
There are always arguments with people and especially in a small space. People handle fighting differently. Some people ry to stop the fight others encourage it and others don't care. Having this trouble with some people, I understand it can cause tension and become a huge conflict.
The conflict between me and the other people, would be space. I would almost instantly get fed up with them if they were constantly near me or around me not giving me anyspace.
the conflict for me would be the confinement of space, and I might argue. I would need a lot of space because I'm (obviously) tall. And I would argue, because lots of times when i'm talking to my brothers I know I'm right about something, but they think differently and we'd get mad at each other, fight about it, we would look it up on the internet, and eventully find that I'm right. But they dont have internet.
The amount of food that each person gets would be a major problem. Another problem might be who gets the bathroom when and similar things to that.
I think heat, food, and space will be a problem.
Everybody want's to be warm, and be full, and have enough space for privacy.
I would probably end up fighting with Emma because she would want to be near me ALL the time and there wouldn't really be anywhere to go to get away from her for a while because the area is so small. I would also start to get grumpy without any dark chocolate peppermint and banana ice cream because that's like my favorite thing in the world and I couldn't bring it because it would melt.
If I was hiding for months with strangers, I think some conflicts would be: how much space people are taking up, food, peoples property, and minor irritating things that would make people fussy.
Um... I think my biggest problem - personally - would be not being able to go outside, let alone go outside and run. My problem - with the strangers - would probably be privacy. I don't really mind sharing a place with someone, but for a long duration of time when I have to do my daily "things" (I'm sure you know what I mean by that...), I might find that a bit difficult. The least of my worries would be food though; I mean, really. Do I HONESTLY look like I eat very much? I don't even weigh 100 pounds yet! =^)
Oops, sorry. I used very poor punctuation and grammar in one of my sentences; let me fix that, please.
"The least of my worries would have to be food. I mean, really, do I HONESTLY look like I eat very much?"
There we go. Sorry about that one.
I'm not anorexic, Duncan, I just don't eat much.
I also would have the conflict of shower usage. 1) I can;t take a short shower no matter what I do. 2) If anybody wanted hot water in the shower, they'd probably want to get in there before I do... and if I took my shower in the morninig, they'd have to get up very early, because even without an alarm clock, I get up before the rooster crows.
... Just so you know, there is a rooster that you can hear crowing in the morning during the summer, and also, I typically get up around 5:30am. I'm quite the "early riser". Ha! And to think I'm always so perky and bouncing-off-the-walls energetic too! =^D
Me personally, I would have a HUGE issue with space probably.. I need my space and any one who's really close to me knows that! I would get really irritated with a small attic and 8 people.... X.x <<< BAD.... So space, and probably food as well, but that seems like the obvious...
That and not being able to ride my horse... That would drive absolutely up the wall, hit the clouds, brake through the atmosphere insane.... And just the general idea of not being able to move much or go outside... INSANITY COME HITHER!!! Also not being to speak loudly. That one mainly because it's impossible for me to be quiet, let alone turn down my voice volume... (No volume switch! HAH!) Yah..... Ok now I'm done...
Being quiet for most of the day I would die of that. You couldn't shout or even run around. *sad face*
Well one thing i think would be hard to avoid is me yellin so loud after having to be quiet for so loud.. and i would definately have alot of fights over who gets the bathroom first and im just a very argumentative person so it probably wouldnt work out dat great wit me..
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