Sorry I could not be at the awards ceremony. I created the show to express my affection and thanks to all of you for such a great year. I am way behind in my writing of thank you notes . . . I hope to catch up soon. Thank you for the party and the gifts and the cards and the letters and the email . . . Thank you for everything! I hope the slideshow illustrates that we all had a great year!!!!!!Pictures came out fuzzy on Youtube; i am trying to fix that.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Numbers theory

This question takes more thinking than writing. It is difficult to grasp the enormity of genocide involving 6 million people. Hitler's Germany is usually credited with killing 6,000,000 Jews. I want you to come up with a math equivalent to help your classmates appreciate that number--in terms they can relate to. For example, how does 6 million people compare to the population of your school? City? State? How many football stadiums would be needed to hold six million people? How many train cars? How far would they stretch? Think of details normally connected to World War II and war in general. Please create your own, original standard of comparison. You can use the Internets to help you--say if you want to estimate how many people fit into a certain thing--Ralph Wilson Stadium for example. Be creative. Everyone should contribute their own example.


Anonymous said...

So about 6 million jews died. well, if 30 people fit in one school bus, then that is 200,000 school busses. and if a school bus is about 37 ft long, then then if all of those school busses lined up. the line would be 1,401.5 miles long!

Anonymous said...

All of the Jews who died is the equivilent of all 63,400 seats at the U of P stadium being filled for 94.6 superbowls. That would be 2365 acres of football fields lined up in a row.

Anonymous said...

If each of the 6 million people killed in the holocaust were a quarter, you could make 150,000 rolls of quarters! Thats a lot of quarters!

The average movie theatre seats 100 people. You could fill 60,000 movie theatres with all the people killed in the holocaust!

Caitlin W said...

If six million Jews died and if the Broadway theater in New York has about 500 seats then it would take 12,000 shows for everyone to watch one show. That is would take about sixteen and a half years to show with two shows a day everyday!

Anonymous said...

Six milllion jews died and if the Alumni gym including the players at Allendale Columbia held only about 250 people it would take about 24,000 games to have in order for people to watch. If you have the game every day it would take about sixty five months to watch a 32 minute game. Thats about five years and five months everyday.

Anonymous said...

1500 people died onboard the Titanic. To kill as many people as Hitler did, you would have to sink 4000 Titanics. 6 million is a HUGE number.

Anonymous said...

If 36 people died in the Hindenburg accident then it would take 166666.67 Hindenburg accidents to have the equivalent to the Holocaust.

Anonymous said...

The total of the lowest 59 countries' population is about 6000000. The holocaust was like obliterating a quarter of the countries off the face of the earth!

Anonymous said...

57,478 many people can fit into Yankee Stadium. It would take 105 games to fit the 6 million Jews from the Holocaust in the stadium.

Anonymous said...

the casual 747 plane can hold up to 420 people in it. Comapred to hitler's 6,000,000 deaths of jew race in WWII, that would mean that aprximately 14,286 747 planes would have to be applied to putting that amount of people onto a flight of 747's.

Anonymous said...

Well 6 million died during the holocaust. Also in a Yankees vs. Redsox game a total of 18 people play. So that means 333,333.333333333333333333333(repeats forever). So this would mean that those same 18 people would need to play that many games. Also this would cost you $16,666,666.67 to go and watch the games. A normal baseball game also lasts around 2 and a half hours. That means all of those baseball games will take 833,333.3 hours to finish completely. So it will take a total of 34,722.2 days to finsh all those baseball games consecutively with no rest or bathroom breaks. Duh duh DUUUH!

Anonymous said...

6 million jews were being killed and there are about 39,200 seats in Fenway Park, so it would take about 153 Fenway parks to fit all of the jews that were being killed!

MaddyY said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MaddyY said...

Well, 12,428 people can fit into the Blue Cross Arena, so that would mean there would have to be 483 Blue Cross Arenas to hold 6 million people. That would be a lot!!

Anonymous said...

On September 11, nearly 3,000 people were confirmed dead, reported dead, or reported missing. If I am correct, there would have to be about 2,000 September 11ths to equal the amount of death that related to the Holocaust.

Dani V. said...

when we have our volleyball until in Gym there are 2 games going at once: 6 people on each side, 2 sides, 2 games so there are 24 people playing at once...If we had gym everyday and 6 million people went to our school we would need 250,000,000 days of school for 4 teams of 6 people each to be able to play one game... Which is also 684,931 and a half years, which is more than 9,000 lifetimes! That would be your 450th great grandchild... That's a lot of greats... Do not plan on attending that wedding anytime soon....

Anonymous said...

So there was 6 million Jews that died and there was over 600,000 men that died in the Civil War. That would mean there would have to be 10 Civil Wars to equal the number of Jews that died.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to comment now.
If you have 208,123 people in the population of Rochester then it would be like killing the population (everyone) Rochester city 29 times. To actually kill as many people as Hitler did. wow.

web site where i found Population is

Anonymous said...

the National stadium in Beijing is one of the largest stadiums ever built for the olympic opening ceremony, with a capacity of 85,000 people. That would mean that it would take 17 Olympic Stadiums to equal the 6 million jews that were killed during world war 2

Unknown said...

Okay, guess who! (Ignore the name to the left in large, bold-faced font.)

Six million people were slaughtered during the Holocaust. Let's say that each of those victims was a single planet Earth (in other words, each person is one globe [full scale, of course]). With 6,000,000 globes/Earths, you could "fill" about 4,615 and a half Jupiters.

4,615.5 Jupiters full of Earths. That's a lot of Jupiters, Earths, and people. A somewhat scary thought if you really think about it; a very sad one too, no doubt.

Anonymous said...

Six millions people were killed so. The average person is about 5 10 so if you were to line all the people up who died in the holocost it would be 30,600,600 feet long 5795 miles long. So if you lined up all the people who died in the holocost you could. That would be enough to make a barrier stretchign 700 miles with 7 people high.

Anonymous said...

If 6,000,000 Jew were killed during the holocaust then thinking mass wise around a million earths fit into the sun. So..imagine the size of the earth, and then imagine the size of of 6 suns compared to the Holocaust

Anonymous said...

Wow. 6 million Jews. During the Virginia Tech Massacre last year, 32 students died (Not including Seung-Hui Cho). That means the Holocaust was like the Virginia Tech Shooting 187,500 times over. Wow.

Anonymous said...

If about six million people were killed during the holocaust, and there are about 100,000 hair follicles on a persons head, which can grow twenty individual hairs. 100,000 x 20 = 20,000,000. If you counted every person's individual hairs, that would be 6,000,000 x 2,000,000 = 12,000,000,000,000. In other words, Twelve Trillion Hairs of dead Jews. That is an awful lot of hair, people.

Anonymous said...

In the 5 years we have been in Iraq, 3942 American soldiers have died. We would have to fight in Iraq for 7610.35 more years to have the same amount of casualities.

(6,000,000/3942 x 5 = 7610.35)

Anonymous said...

theres 365 days in a year (duh) and if you had 1 person who died during the holocaust that's... (gears grinding) 16438.356 years!

Anonymous said...

6,112 people can fit in an Olympic sized swimming pool (163'x75'), each taking up 2 square feet. That's like 981 swimming pools full of people. together they would cover more surface area than 2 arctic oceans.

Anonymous said...

If you gave the 6,000,000 jews killed a car, it would take 1,200,000 5 person cars. If each person weighs about 120 lbs and the car weighs about 3400 lbs thats 21,120,000,000 lbs (combined weight)
The average elephant weighs about 12,000 lbs an that with the combined weight of the cars that would be 1,760,000 elephants!

Anonymous said...

*if you gave each of the 6,000,000 killed*

AlexL. said...

you would need to have 133 & 1.3 Roman solosseums to fit 6,000,000 people and kill tham all to match how much Hitler killed (45000 can fit in the roman collosseum)which is a lot

KaitlynB said...

well if the CPC at our school holds about 300 people then we would be able to fill the CPC about 20,000 times with the aout of people that Hitler killed.

KaitlynB said...

sorry *amount*

Anonymous said...

the airplane B737-400 can take 500 people at a time. So, to make number 6,000,000 we need 12,000 planes to fall. That's a lot of number.

Anonymous said...

ok so in each bag of skittles there are approximitly 36 skittles ( so if 6,000,000 jews were killed then you would need to eat 166,666.67 bags of skittles to show how many people were killed

Anonymous said...

If it takes about 413 licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop, and each lick was for one person, then it would take 2,478,000,000 licks to equal all the people killed!

Anonymous said...

there are 37 people in our class that means you would have to kill every one in our class about 160,000 times to equil the amount of people killed in the holocaust

Anonymous said...

If I have five people in my family, and each of them were to be killed a time equal to the amount of Jews that were killed, you would have to kill me and my family 1,200,000 times.

Anonymous said...

It would take 2,016.129032 september eleventh attacks to equal the deaths of the people that died on that day and the number of jews that died.

Anonymous said...

And that doesn't include the Russian Nazi, American, European & Japanese Army casualties, not to mention the civilian casualties, not to mention the millions of "other" ethnic and physically/mentally handicapped and other "lesser" peoples who died or were killed, tortured, maimed...