Sorry I could not be at the awards ceremony. I created the show to express my affection and thanks to all of you for such a great year. I am way behind in my writing of thank you notes . . . I hope to catch up soon. Thank you for the party and the gifts and the cards and the letters and the email . . . Thank you for everything! I hope the slideshow illustrates that we all had a great year!!!!!!Pictures came out fuzzy on Youtube; i am trying to fix that.

Friday, October 10, 2008

John Lawrence: A Memorial

As most of you should know, Mr. Lawrence passed away yesterday (October 9th). Calling hours, I believe, are sometime on Monday (TBA), and the service would be on Tuesday (time, TBA).

Here, you can post anything you would like to say to Mr. Lawrence, and you may post as many times as you feel is necessary. He was a wonderful teacher, friend, and role model for all of us, and he will never be forgotten.

You will always have a special place in all of our hearts, Mr. Lawrence; I'm glad I got to know you.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Who Still Comes to Visit Our Blog?

Hey everybody! I hope all of your summers are going swimmingly (hee hee, no pun intended, really!), and I can't wait to see most all of you again pretty soon!

I was curious as to whom, besides myself, still comes to this blog to post or even just see what's new. If you could, when you come by, just pop on here and say hi or something in a comment, if you would, please. You can do it every time you come to the blog, or you can do it just once (or once in a while). I thought it would be interesting to see who still keeps up and interested in our class blog.

See you very soon! Ciao for now!

~*~ Jeanette S. ~*~

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How Many Words Can You Make?

Let's see how witty you really are...

How many different words can you make using only the letters (each one only once per word) in the word Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious .

Again, each letter in supercalifragilisticexpialidocious can only be used once in any one word you make out of it. For example, you can make the word "delicious" because the letters d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u and s are all in supercalifragilisticexpialidocious at least the same number of times as they are used in delicious. On the other hand, I could not make the word "puppies" because the letter p appears only twice in supercali...bla-bla-bla (you know what I mean...), not thrice [three times].

Those are the rules/examples/my version of shorthand. Have fun!
See who can make the longest word? The most exotic word? The funniest word? Go for the gold... or the black text... whichever... Go have a blast with it! =^)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I have a riddle for you, ready or not;
Think a little bit, think a lot.
Find the answer, make your guess;
I'm sure you'll get it, more or less.
Solve one riddle, I'll give you more;
See what riddles I have in store.
See if you can solve my riddles. You have one to start with (my first post/comment), and when that one is answered, I'll give you another! If you think you have the answer, make a guess; I'll let you know if you got it right or not. Have fun!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Post comments here

post comments here from above

Pickachu =Ipod man = Kieran= Australia man= Apple master

The ultimate itunes library

Everybody from the eigth grade I have a quest for you write down your 5 most favorite songs and we will create together the penultimate ultra fantastic music of tune from the eigth grade

Be sure to check other people so that we don't have repeat songs

Friday, April 18, 2008

New Rule

New rule = you have to give yourself a new alias related to a kid's toy or cartoon character.

I suggest "Rainbow Brite" for Aedin.

"My Little Pony" for Kieran . . .

=) For today, I'll be Pappa Smurf.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

This is hilarious! Check it out!

This is really funny! I was watching a show on Niagara Falls with my Dad when this came on. I was laughing so hard, and I really thought I should share it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tea, Coffee, or... Something else

If you had to choose between any tea of your choice, coffee, or some other hot beverage - say, hot cocoa or something -, which would you choose (and why if you want to)?

Monday, April 14, 2008

What If You Found A Blank Check?

What would you do if you found a check that had been signed but no value written in?

Would you rip it up?

Would you take it?

How much money would you write in?

What would you do with the money?

Would you tell anyone?

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Cartoon Characters

Make a cartoon character!! Describe it and choose a name for it! Keep it appropriate though. :D

Whizz-Bang - A Fun English-Related Word Game

This is one of my favorite e-mail games. It's called Whizz-Bang (as you can see), and this is how you play.
First you start off with a word; say, "bank", for example. On each turn, you can make ONE alteration. You can swap a letter (ex. make "sank"), drop a letter (ex. make "ban"), trade letter places/ move a letter (ex. make "pot" from "top", or "stank" from "tanks"), or add a letter (ex. make "blank").

In the case where there is absolutely NO valid word in the universe (i.e. not one you just made up, solely for the sake of being a doofus) left to use, start over with another good word. Please, just don't go and do that randomly when you can still make words. If you really want to keep it up, use a dictionary or Google or something (bad punctuation/grammar, I noticed). Oh, and of course, use your judgement in the words you use/make. Let's keep it appropriate, please.

Thanks, and have fun!

Ipod man reporting for duty

Which TV show rocks more House or Scrubs?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Blog authors

Yo, eighth graders, I just have to input your email addresses so you can be "authors" and post to this blog. I will use the email addresses you gave me earlier in the year. Will put them in soon.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

To hand in tomorrow

I need to collect all of the parts we have completed for your Anne Frank essay -- the pre-writing activity (which includes your evidence), statement of purpose, thesis paragraph (all drafts), and your outline.

Staple them in this order to hand in tomorrow--Wednesday: 1. Thesis paragraphs, 2. outline, 3. statement of purpose, 4. pre-writing activity.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Romeo and Juliet

What do you know about Romeo and Juliet?

William Shakespeare

What do you already know about Shakespeare?

Monday, March 3, 2008

Three questions

Begin by saying whether you think the statement is true or false, then add at least two sentences of explanation for each. You may use the book, the news, and your knowledge of history or life for examples.


Hitler won, Anne Frank lost.


The pen is mightier than the sword.


Children should be seen and not heard.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Scary headlines

What headline would really freak you out if you saw it in the paper tomorrow? My example is on the left.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

One wish

You and your spouse are expecting a child, a genie has given you one wish for that new born child. The genie will make certain the child has an abundance of one trait. Which one of those traits would you choose?

*Good Looks
*Sense of humor
*Positive Outlook
*Musical talent
*Athletic ability

Tweety Bird

Is Tweety Bird male or female?

Saturday, February 16, 2008


You are trapped on a deserted island, with which of the following cartoon characters would you want to be trapped?

Bart Simpson , Mickey Mouse,
Eric Cartman , SpongeBob
Bugs Bunny , anyone from Family Guy,
Fred Flintstone , Homer Simpson
Underdog , Mighty Mouse,

Party at Adrian's

Adrian's already bored, and we are 12.4 hours into vacation. Help the poor boy out. Give him some ideas for things to do. They should be activities that do not involve fire arms and do not injure flora, fauna, or little brothers (okay, so maybe just not permanent damage to little brothers).

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wartime decisions

This may be hard to do honestly. Take a second to really think about it. You are, like the Franks, Jews living in Amsterdam during World War II. Do you hide out in a space similar to the Annex, or do you try to escape to a country where Jews are not persecuted? If you are captured while you are escaping, you will be killed. If you are captured while you are hiding, you will be killed. (Sorry to be so blunt, but that is the way it was.) You could also choose to stay home in Amsterdam and hope the German army does not find you. A member of your family has been "called up."

*****LATE ADDITION FROM J.Law: I should have pointed out that you will have to leave everything behind if you try to escape--dog, fish, couch, favorite chair, clothes, toys, trophies-- EVERYTHING. Yes, Greg, the bear with the pants would be too cumbersome. You could probably manage one very portable bag o' stuff.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Silly St. Valentine's Day question: Anne's hot date

Would your parents let you date a 16-year-old in this setting? Would it be different if Anne was a 13-year-old male and Peter was a 16-year-old female?

N.B. There are two questions here tonight. Please answer both of them. Thank you. Remember this is for English class. Do your best to use proper grammar, spelling punctuation...--even though this is cyberspace.


Clearly, tensions are running high in the Annex. They are fighting over food, et cetera. Imagine yourself hiding for months with people who are basically strangers, with very little space, major restrictions on noise, and no opportunity to go outside. What are some of the conflicts that you see as being inevitable?

Friday, February 1, 2008

Essential Items

What one thing would you add to the class knapsack of stuff to take into hiding?

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Numbers theory

This question takes more thinking than writing. It is difficult to grasp the enormity of genocide involving 6 million people. Hitler's Germany is usually credited with killing 6,000,000 Jews. I want you to come up with a math equivalent to help your classmates appreciate that number--in terms they can relate to. For example, how does 6 million people compare to the population of your school? City? State? How many football stadiums would be needed to hold six million people? How many train cars? How far would they stretch? Think of details normally connected to World War II and war in general. Please create your own, original standard of comparison. You can use the Internets to help you--say if you want to estimate how many people fit into a certain thing--Ralph Wilson Stadium for example. Be creative. Everyone should contribute their own example.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

p.s. try voting on the polls from your home computer.


Players & Part of the World /// Description of Conflict
What do you already know about the Holocaust? Be sure to read your classmates comments first.